Friday, November 29, 2013

Important message about antifreeze!!!

Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common forms of poisoning in small animals, and this is because it is so commonly found in households. Antifreeze poisoning typically happens when antifreeze drips from a car’s radiator, where it is licked off the ground and ingested by a pet. Your dog may also come into contact with antifreeze that has been added to a toilet bowl. This occurs in homes where the residents will use antifreeze during the cold months to "winterize" their pipes. Even if you do not take this action in your own home, it is something to be aware of when visiting other homes, or when vacationing at a winter residence.

It is the toxin ethylene glycol that makes antifreeze lethal. Because of this, dogs will consume great quantities of ethylene glycol before being repulsed by its aftertaste. By then, it is too late. It does not take a significant amount of ethylene glycol to cause fatal damage to the system; less than three ounces (or 88 ml) of antifreeze is sufficient to poison a medium-sized dog. Antifreeze poisoning affects the brain, liver, and kidneys.

Ethylene glycol is also found in engine coolant and hydraulic brake fluids.


Some common signs of antifreeze poisoning in dogs and cats include:


Antifreeze poisoning can be easily avoided by following a few simple precautions:

  1. Keep antifreeze containers tightly closed and stored out of the reach of pets.
  2. Take care not to spill antifreeze, and if it is spilled, ensure that it is immediately and thoroughly cleaned up.
  3. Dispose of used antifreeze containers properly.
  4. Check the radiator of your car regularly, and repair leaks immediately.
  5. Do not allow your dog to wander unattended where there is access to antifreeze (e.g., roads, gutters, garages, and driveways).
  6. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has labeled propylene glycol safe and it is now used for antifreeze. Look for antifreeze with this ingredient instead, to keep your pet safer from accidental poisoning
If you think your pet has ingested antifreeze or has any of the symptoms listed above contact your veterinarian immediately!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Think you got your butt chewed...

This is "Rex". He was attacked by two neighborhood dogs. As you can see his injuries were severe but he is healing really well.  The wounds were sutured but because of loss of blood supply to the skin a large area died and sloughed off. This left a large open wound that will take months to heal. He has a loving family that is doing a lot of home care to keep the area clean and to promote skin regeneration. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday pet saftey tips!!

As you may know chocolate, coffee, mistletoe and holly can be toxic to dogs and cats.  But here are some of the other common dangers pets face during the holiday season that you may not be aware of:

*lights and extension cords

*tinsel and ribbon

*holiday meals

*sweet treats

*holiday plants


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Snuggles Park Memorial Fund saves another life!

We would like to recognize Donnie & Diane Park for setting up the Snuggles Park Memorial Fund.  This fund has now helped several sick and injured animals.  The last one being a 4 year old Dachshund that had to have emergency surgery to remove a foreign body from his intestine.  The surgery was successful and Jasper is doing well!! 

Sarah Sexton, DVM monitoring Jasper's recovery from anesthesia.

The Snuggles Park Memorial Fund to Help Animals will depend on cash contributions of any amount – small or large – from compassionate people who want to help rescued animals and animals whose owners need financial help to pay for the medical services that will help their pets to get well and stay well. 

Snuggles was a blue-point Himalayan cat who lived for 19 years with Donnie and Diane Park of Norfork. Snuggles was diagnosed with chronic renal failure in January 2007 by Dr. Ed Kennedy in Jackson, Miss. That began a regime of twice weekly fluid treatments that were continued at All Creatures Veterinary Clinic in 2008 when Donnie and Diane moved here. In the last months of his life, weekly shots of Adequan were added to aid Snuggles’ mobility and ensure better quality of life for him.

Snuggles was under the primary care of Dr. Tabitha Norris, and everyone on the staff at All Creatures became a friend of Snuggles. He looked like a big softie, but he was a determined fighter who kept his dignity to the very end. Dr. Amanda Wallace was on call on the night of Oct. 3, 2011, and she helped Donnie and Diane decide that Snuggles was, in fact, ready to go and that it was time for them to let him go.
Snuggles’ human sisters, Beverly Park Hairston and Sherry Park Martin, decided to   remember and honor Snuggles by providing an initial donation to establish a fund in his name here at All Creatures. The fund is intended to help animals who need acute care or treatment for chronic conditions and whose owners absolutely cannot afford to pay the full costs for their pet’s care or treatment.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Good Morning!

Good morning!!! We have a busy schedule today including a bull dog that will be having three fracture repairs:(  We will post updates on this poor guy and the before and after radiographs later on today.

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Dusty" the dozer dog!

Dusty the dozer dog is a sweet puppy that showed up at a construction site one day.  One of the workers saw her and shared some of his lunch with her thinking that she had just strayed away from home and would go back after adventuring around.  The next day when he got back to work there sat Dusty right by his dozer.  So Dusty got to ride around on the dozer with the construction worker for the day.  After a few days of Dusty staying at the construction site it became apparent that she was a stray.  With the weekend approaching the worker went to a nearby residence to tell them about the puppy.  The Mylan's immediately went to the construction site and there sat the puppy in the seat of dozer waiting for the workers to come back.  With no apparent owner the Mylan's took her in and gave her a wonderful home!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Stray dog becomes Hero of the day!!!

This sweet stray was brought into our clinic a couple of weeks ago.  Little did we know he would end up helping save the life of one of our very sick patients.  After a thorough exam and a negative heartworm test he donated blood for the very much needed blood transfusion that "Callie" needed to survive.  At this point both patients are doing well.  We have named our hero dog "Gus".  We are looking for a good home for Gus!!!
We hope everyone's Friday morning is starting off wonderful.  We are very excited to start sharing what goes on here at All Creatures on a daily basis. Our posts will consist of everything from some of the neat stories and cases that we have come in and updates on those pets to important health information or tips for your pets.